The Impostor Syndrome
Everyone in the complex field of software engineering has been hit by impostor syndrome [1] at least once in their career. It is especially felt with high-achievers. Impostor syndrome is the inability to accept that your daily efforts to learn and advance your talents should make you deserving of attention or keeping your position. Instead, it could give you the impression that you're deceiving people into thinking you're better at your job than you are (E.g., “I’m not good enough to be a senior engineer.”)—a faker with no right to be there.
While it could make sense at the start of a career, it could be a burden later. Even though you're a senior engineer, it doesn’t mean you have answers to all questions. In software engineering, there is often a high level of pressure to perform at a high level, to be productive, and to keep up with new technologies and tools. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, common symptoms of impostor syndrome.
Additionally, impostor syndrome can lead to burnout, stress, and anxiety, seriously affecting a software engineer's physical and mental health. By acknowledging and addressing impostor syndrome, software engineers can boost their confidence, manage stress levels, and develop their skills and knowledge.
The opposite: The Dunning-Kruger Effect
If we want to understand the Impostor syndrome better, another effect can help, called the Dunning-Kruger Effect [2], the cognitive bias of illusory superiority. It is located on the other side of the pendulum. Those who perform poorly on a task tend to overrate their performance. The issue is dual since it also has some limitations, and people also need help to accept such restrictions, leading them to overestimate their skills. This effect says that your confidence in your abilities and knowledge declines as you learn more about a subject and, more significantly, become aware of how much more you still need to know.
Basima Tewfik, a professor of Work and Orientation Studies at MIT Sloan School of Management, discovered that individuals who experience impostor syndrome tend to focus on relationships and social interaction to compensate for their perceived inadequacy. This, however, has a positive interpersonal effect without appearing to affect performance.
The More You Know, The More You Realize You Don’t Know
The famous philosopher Aristotle said it. It reflects the concept of intellectual humility and the recognition that there is always more to learn. This idea is particularly relevant in the rapidly evolving world of software engineering, where new technologies, tools, and methodologies constantly emerge.
Yet, we tend to overestimate the extent of our knowledge, especially when we are beginners in something, as described by the Dunning-Kruger effect above. The effect can be compared to a metaphor of an expanding circle, where our knowledge is inside the process, while everything we don't know is outside. Yet, as our contact with things we don't yet know increases, we discover more and more things there. As our experience expands, the more things you know, the more you know that you don't know.

How to Deal With The Impostor Syndrome and The Dunning-Kruger Effect
To deal with these biases, we need to develop some meta-cognitive skills, such as:
Self-reflection - The first step in dealing with impostor syndrome is recognizing that you're experiencing it. Be honest about your feelings, and don't be afraid to discuss them with someone you trust.
Taking smart notes - It's easier to notice gaps in your knowledge when it is visualized. By building this habit, you can identify thought patterns more easily.
Challenging your thoughts—Impostor syndrome is often driven by negative self-talk and self-doubt. Challenge those thoughts by asking yourself if they're based on fact or perception. Look for evidence that supports your competence and achievements. I think coaching can be helpful here.
Sharing your experience - Talking about your feelings with others who have experienced impostor syndrome can help you feel less alone. You may also find it helpful to find a mentor or coach who can guide and support you.
You are using second-level thinking to make decisions. I’d like you to practice thinking about your thought processes and knowledge. Don't just jump to the most obvious conclusion. The thing about your blind spots and what info you are missing is.
Celebrating your success—It's essential to recognize and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Remember to acknowledge your achievements and credit yourself for your hard work.
Focusing on learning and growth—Instead of worrying about perfection, focus on learning and growing. Embrace challenges and view mistakes as opportunities to learn and improve. A growth mindset is essential here.
Seeking feedback - Actively seek feedback from others, especially those who are more knowledgeable or skilled in a particular area.
Remember not to compare yourself to others. Comparing yourself is the source of all unhappiness. Everyone has their path, and you need to follow yours.
“Impostor syndrome: “I don't know what I'm doing. It's only a matter of time until everyone finds out."
Growth mindset: "I don't know what I'm doing yet. It's only a matter of time until I figure it out."
The highest form of self-confidence is believing in your ability to learn.”
Learn more about how to make better decisions:
Kolligian Jr, J., & Sternberg, R. J. (1991). “Perceived Fraudulence in Young Adults: Is There an ‘Imposter Syndrome’?” Journal of Personality Assessment, 56(2), 308-326. doi:10.1207/s15327752jpa5602_10
Kruger, J., & Dunning, D. (1999). “Unskilled and unaware of it: how difficulties recognizing one’s incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments.” Journal of personality and social psychology, 77(6), 1121.
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Great read. I am dealing with imposters syndrome myself. But Im slowly getting out of this and gaining more conficence in my abilities and trying to learn more, each day.
This is a great read!