Thanks for the opportunity to be interviewed Milan!

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Thank you for your time and answers!

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Cool conversation! Extremely enthusiastic point of view.

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Good advices here. Thank you for sharing this invaluable information.

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Looks like an overzealous AI smoothed out the language and messed some things up. That amazon script that I'm betting was originally described as "written by hand" turned into a re-written paragraph with references like "We made edits to the hand directly in production" unless the script was actually called "the hand" in which case I would really like to know why!

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It is not AI, but Grammarly check. I will fix it, thanks on the feedback.

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No problem, I was really hoping for a good story on the name :)

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What specifically do you think you did better than other engineers to go from L3 to L6 in the span of 3 years? I would think there should be some exceptional attitudes or impacts you were having consistently.

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